Monday, October 5, 2015

1152: Happiness is a form of courage.

Siglap, Singapore.


  1. I like this quote because people forget that being happy isn't always doing something you like to do. Sometimes you have to make yourself be happy even if you don't want to. I have a hard time doing this too sometimes. Have you thought about using more color to draw the eye to it more?

  2. I really like these quotes they mean a lot and say a lot and happiness is courage because when you have courage you end up happy but not always. Do you think courage can mean other emotions besides happy?

  3. Stay happy forever is the secret of long life; therefore we used to keep our mind and health in a good condition in order to stay happy. Happiness is the feeling or we may call it an emotion which we only feel can't see. So it is our duty to make people happy as well as stay happy with our own performance.
